Editor Tools

Editor Tools



Utility Tool:
Streamline your workflow and perfect your sound with the Utility Tool. From shifting channels to adjusting pitch, from tweaking velocities to stretching time, it's about getting every note, every beat, just right.

Harmony Tool (Chord Completion):
Expand your musical vocabulary with the Chord Completion feature, powered by our Harmony Tool. It's like having a musical mentor, offering suggestions and insights to add depth and complexity to your compositions. Harmony Sets shipped with reMIDI 3 include: SongWish's Bach Chorale Harmony Set, SongWish's Open Hymnal Harmony Set, and the superb Musician Paradise's Neo-Soul Harmony Set.

Strum Tool:
Add a touch of realism to your sequences with the Strum Tool, designed to emulate the natural strumming motion of a guitar. It's about bringing your MIDI sequences to life, making them breathe and flow just like real instruments.

Melody Tool:
Unleash melodic creativity with the Melody Tool. Craft captivating melodies and hooks by transforming simple chord progressions into intricate melodic lines, perfect for adding unique flair to your compositions.

Humanize Tool:
Infuse natural variation with the Humanize Tool. This tool adds subtle timing and velocity differences to your notes, mimicking the imperfections of a live performance and adding authenticity to your MIDI sequences.

Quantize Tool:
Tighten your rhythms with the Quantize Tool. Align notes precisely with your desired timing grid, perfect for creating crisp, on-the-beat sequences or for correcting timing inconsistencies in recorded performances.


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With these tools at your disposal, we're confident that you'll experience a surge of creativity like never before. Happy creating, and thank you for choosing reMIDI 3.

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