



The Settings section in reMIDI 3 can be accessed by selecting the 'Settings' option from the Menu dropdown, which will launch a popup window. Remember that these settings can greatly affect your workflow and the final sound of your MIDI sequences, so be sure to experiment with them to find the best configuration for your needs.

Internal Sound

This option allows you to toggle the built-in sine wave synth on or off. Please note that this setting does not apply to reMIDI MFX.

Global Speed Control

This segment allows you to change the playback speed for your entire project, either by halving or doubling the current speed. A display value shows the current speed.

Global Transpose Control

This function allows you to alter the pitch of your entire project, either by increasing or decreasing it. A display value shows the current pitch shift.

Sample Rate

By enabling this setting, you can override the default sample rate. If you prefer to sync with your digital audio workstation (DAW), it is recommended to disable this option. However, if you desire a custom sample rate, enabling it will allow you to specify your desired rate.


The Tempo setting provides an override for the beats per minute (BPM) value. If you wish to sync with your DAW's tempo, it is advisable to disable this option. However, if you want to use a custom BPM value, enabling it will allow you to set the desired tempo.

Global Sum Channels

When enabled, this setting combines the MIDI channels of the pad sequences and drag-out slice, directing them to MIDI Channel 1. This operation occurs after any note channel transformations.

Preview Sum Channels

Activate this setting to unify the MIDI channels for your preview playback slice, routing them all to MIDI Channel 16. This ensures you can pair the preview playback with a designated instrument that supports a broader note range, allowing every note to be audibly represented.

Velocity Mode Toggle – Input Velocity

When you enable this feature, all notes within the triggered pad sequence will inherit the velocity value of the most recent input note from your MIDI controller or sequencer. This ensures your dynamic touch sensitivity and performance nuances are accurately integrated and represented in the sequence.

Velocity Mode Toggle – Original Velocity

When this setting is enabled, every note within the triggered pad sequence keeps its original velocity value from the sampled MIDI file, but this value is scaled in proportion to the velocity of the most recent input note from your MIDI controller or sequencer. This allows for an interactive mix of both the expressive dynamics from the original performance and your current playing intensity, creating a uniquely responsive musical experience.

Default New Preset

This setting determines the preset that will be automatically loaded when selecting the "New from Default Preset" option from the Main Menu Dropdown.

Accidentals (b / #)

When this setting is enabled, all accidentals will be displayed as flats (b) on the MIDI notes. However, if this setting is disabled, the accidentals will be displayed as sharps (#). Adjust this feature as per your reading preference.

The User Interface